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On Life after death – Elisabeth Kübler-Ross

In this collection of inspirational essays, internationally known author Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross draws on her in-depth research of more than 20,000 people who had near-death experiences, revealing the afterlife as a return to wholeness of spirit. With frank and compassionate advice for those dealing with terminal illness or the death of a loved one, ON LIFE AFTER DEATH offers a compelling message of hope to the living, so that they may grow stronger from tragedy and live life to the fullest. The classic collection of essays on death, dying, and the afterlife, by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. Features a new foreword by Caroline Myss. Previous edition sold more than 200,000 copies. Reviews “I am so grateful that I was given the opportunity to review such ground-breaking material on death and dying. This 85 page gem has made a huge difference in my life. This world renowned author will always be remembered for her clear and accurate account of the 5 stage dying process, and the impact her work has had will echo through the corridors of time. There are many excellent books out on the subject of near death experiences, and life after death experiences, but I had always been curious as I got older what the process of shedding my body suit was all about. Just about the time I thought I would even start looking for a book on the topic I would get a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach and decide maybe it wasn’t a good idea after all. I would recommend this gentle honest helper to anyone who has a true desire to learn the many facet of such a natural part of life.”-Riki Frahmann www.mysticlivingtoday.com