Counselor Directory.

Ally Bohlsen

Certified Grief + Life Coach
Work 16 Young Street Dunedin NZ 9012 New Zealand Work Phone: =64 220 456 279 Website: Tough Grief

Professional Certifications and Licenses

Certified Grief Coach and Educator

Certified CBT Life Coach

Certified Life Breakthrough Coach

Certified Professional Counsellor

Certified  Gestalt Therapy Counsellor


Services Offered

I am a Certified Life and Grief Coach/Educator and owner of

From a teaching background, I trained and worked as a Professional Counsellor for several years before pivoting to become a Master Cerfied Life Coach a number of years ago. But it was the tragic and unexpected loss of my dearly loved husband in late 2016, that changed my world abruptly.

Out of my pain and suffering emerged the desire and the passion to create a safe space for people to find refuge and solace in their grieving. It completely changed the direction and focus of my life moving forward.

I do what I do now to honour my loss and my loved one.

People often ask me why I am so passionate about working with those going though grief and loss. I always have a simple answer for them.

It is because I have been where they are and I know the intense and crippling pain that consumes the grief stricken. I’ve experienced the shipwreck of loss and I understand how paralysing it can be, My heart has been shattered and the agony of grief has felt like it could swallow me whole at times.

However I also believe that things can improve and hope and purpose can be restored. Loss and grief are unavoidable, but we can choose how we live and to make the most of each day.

I offer my online and in person coaching services with a willing hert and a desire to help. It will be my honor and privilege to help you reassemble your life and regain hope for the future. Allow yourself permission to heal your pain:)

You can schedule a time for us to chat here on zoom (it’s free). We can determine how I can help and support you in your loss. Our coaching will be online so you can be comfortable in your own home.

I love you to join me at my facebook group  where you will find support and comfort from others who are also on their own grief journey. We would love to have you join us❤️

When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure:)


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DISCLAIMER does not pre-screen clients or grief support providers. Each person is encouraged to do their own information gathering on therapists and/or grief educators to make sure they are a good fit. Each grief support provider must also screen each potential client to make sure they will also be a good fit. A Certified Grief Educator means that they have completed the Grief Educator program, but does not verify their competence. in no way is responsible for the actions of clients or providers. This Directory is designed for informational purposes only.
Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a vehicle to provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, opinion, or treatment, nor as a substitute for medical or professional care. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment or any other information or services anyone provides or obtains through this site or the practitioners listed, and does not recommend or endorse any individual practitioner, provider or business. Reliance on the information contained on this website is solely at your own risk.

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