Counselor Directory.

Ms. Barbara Joan Segura

Certified Grief Educator & Consultant

Professional Certifications and Licenses

Barbara J Segura, MEd, LCMHC, LPC

Certified Grief Educator # 105667

Licensed Professional Counselor CT  #463

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor FL  #MH16347

Springfield College, Springfield MA 1984

Master of Rehabilitation Counseling specialty in addictions

Post Graduate Training in Gestalt Therapy – Gestalt Institute of Rhode Island

Post Graduate Training in Trauma – Al Pesso – PBSP – Pesso Boyden System Psychomotor

Services Offered

Are you challenged by loss and grief? Grief is a change we didn’t want, and our grief is our love.  Whether it’s the loss of a loved one, the loss of a dream, or life transitions, grief can be brutal. Grief work is about processing the loss and discovering the healing gift it holds for us. It doesn’t take a lot of time; it takes some dedicated time.  At times, grief is complicated by different circumstances, like multiple losses, family relationships, depression, or anxiety. Grief can overwhelm and we can feel confused, numb, isolated, exhausted, questioning, angry, and curious. Grieving is a landscape that is varied, very personal and can change over time. Grief is part of the ebb and flow of life. Our ancestors knew how to grieve. In our modern fast paced world, we have forgotten. In our rugged individualistic culture, we may forget that we heal in community. We don’t have to walk these paths alone.

I am physically located in Philadelphia, PA.   I offer affordable virtual only services – grief support groups, consultations, coaching, heart to heart conversations and community presentations specific to grief.  Some of my grief support groups are through a Jewish lens. I also facilitate education and support groups for some Jewish groups including Aleph Jewish Renewal. I have over 40 years experience in the mental health and addiction fields and work with adults 18+.

Schedule a consultation on my website today and we can discuss how I can best serve you. Find me on Facebook and Instagram at Barb Segura, Grief Educator.

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DISCLAIMER does not pre-screen clients or grief support providers. Each person is encouraged to do their own information gathering on therapists and/or grief educators to make sure they are a good fit. Each grief support provider must also screen each potential client to make sure they will also be a good fit. A Certified Grief Educator means that they have completed the Grief Educator program, but does not verify their competence. in no way is responsible for the actions of clients or providers. This Directory is designed for informational purposes only.
Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a vehicle to provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, opinion, or treatment, nor as a substitute for medical or professional care. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment or any other information or services anyone provides or obtains through this site or the practitioners listed, and does not recommend or endorse any individual practitioner, provider or business. Reliance on the information contained on this website is solely at your own risk.

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