Mindfulness and Grief: With Guided Meditations to Calm Your Mind and Restore Your Spirit by Heather Stang

Inspired by contemporary grief research and ancient mindfulness techniques, this grief book is structured as an 8-week program and day-long retreat with over 35 meditation, yoga, journaling and expressive arts exercises.
This book will:
Ease your physical symptoms of grief
Calm your mind and help you regulate difficult emotions
Increase compassion toward yourself and others
Help you make meaning from your loss & honor your loved one
Develop your new self-narrative for moving forward
Improve your present moment awareness & potential for future health
Mindfulness & Grief is based on the 8-week program developed by thanatologist and mindfulness meditation instructor Heather Stang. This program is accessible to anyone – regardless of physical ability – and does not require any previous meditation or yoga experience. Companion meditations are available on the Mindfulness & Grief web site.