Grief Certified Coach.

Barbara J Henderson

Certified Grief Educator
Work 4339 Carriage Crossing Lane Springdale AR United States Work Phone: 8703916756

Professional Certifications and Licenses

BSN, RN, RNP, WHNP-E, Certified Grief Educator

Services Offered

Offering one on one grief education to parents that are grieving over the loss of a child. This can be online or in person

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Hope L Guth

Certified Grief Educator and Certified Natural Health Professional 937-993-6622
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Sylvie Neil

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Reverend Kaleel Sakakeeny

Grief and Loss Counselor 617 818 1432
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Heather Renee Moyer

Certified Grief Educator/Transformational Coach +1(530)925-5140
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Certified Grief Educator and Coach 16103316643
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Michele Greer

Certified Grief Coach, Life Coach 913-424-4709
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Ginny (Virginia) Burke

LMSW, MSW, Certified Grief Educator specializing in substance use disorder for individuals and families 484.680.1246
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RoseAnne Claudette Desmarais

Certified Grief Educator, Certified Grief Companion, End-of-life Death Doula, Palliative Personal Support Worker (PSW) 226.820.4945

DISCLAIMER does not pre-screen clients or grief support providers. Each person is encouraged to do their own information gathering on therapists and/or grief educators to make sure they are a good fit. Each grief support provider must also screen each potential client to make sure they will also be a good fit. A Certified Grief Educator means that they have completed the Grief Educator program, but does not verify their competence. in no way is responsible for the actions of clients or providers. This Directory is designed for informational purposes only.
Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a vehicle to provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, opinion, or treatment, nor as a substitute for medical or professional care. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment or any other information or services anyone provides or obtains through this site or the practitioners listed, and does not recommend or endorse any individual practitioner, provider or business. Reliance on the information contained on this website is solely at your own risk.

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