Grief Certified Counselor.

Caroline Flanders

Work PO Box 975 Menifee CA 92586 United States Cell Phone: (760) 310-1142

Professional Certifications and Licenses

Board Certified Chaplain, Association of Professional Chaplains and National Association of Veterans Affairs Chaplains

Certified Thanatologist, Association of Death Education and Counseling

State of California, Funeral Directors License FD3033

Ordained by the Centers for Spiritual Living (

Services Offered

Individual and group/family support for end-of-life and grief experiences.

Over 30 years as a helping professional in health care, mortuary services, and end-of-life care. Acute care, trauma, palliative care, hospice, funerals, and memorial services, mortuary assistance, gravesite, and cemetery support, active duty military, all services veterans, grief support, education facilitator, and resource advocacy. Ordained minister providing pastoral counseling, ritual and ceremony guidance, and ongoing companionship through the life cycle. A Veteran of the United States Navy Hospital Corps. Ordained Minister, Centers for Spiritual Living (support for all faiths, agnostic, and atheist).

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Janice Annunziata, Esq.

Reverend, Grief Educator, Climate Leader, Consultant, Teacher, Trainer, Author, Mediator, Attorney 914-299-0246
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Michelle Smith

Host of the Birth Ease Loss Support Podcast, Certified Grief Educator 407-791-7989
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Mrs. Shannon D Lenox

Certified Grief Educator 281-642-9160
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Barbara Snyder, MS

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Shaunna Leclair

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DISCLAIMER does not pre-screen clients or grief support providers. Each patient is encouraged to do their own information gathering on therapists and/or grief educators to make sure they are a good fit. Each grief support provider must also screen each potential client to make sure they will also be a good fit. A Certified Grief Educator means that they have completed the Grief Educator program, but does not certify their competence. in no way is responsible for the actions of clients or providers. This Directory is designed for informational purposes only.
Nothing contained herein is to be construed as a vehicle to provide medical or psychological advice, diagnosis, opinion, or treatment, nor as a substitute for medical or professional care. is not liable or responsible for any advice, course of treatment or any other information or services anyone provides or obtains through this site or the practitioners listed, and does not recommend or endorse any individual practitioner, provider or business. Reliance on the information contained on this website is solely at your own risk.

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